Will Russell



(408) 924-5487

Washington Square Hall 115B

 Ph.D, Environmental Science Policy and   Management,
 University of California, Berkeley

 Advising Appointments
  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies
    • Concentration in Environmental Restoration and Resource Management
  • Master of Science in Environmental Studies




Research Interests

  • Forest Disturbance and Recovery
  • Fire Ecology Ecosystem Restoration
  • Environmental Education


Will Russell received a doctorate degree from the University of California, Berkeley in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, a master's degree in Environmental Studies from San Jose Staté University, and an undergraduate degree from the University of California at Santa Cruz in Plant Biology.

His research primarily focuses on the conservation and restoration of forest communities.  He is particularly interested in the direct and indirect effects of logging on coastal redwood forests.  He has also done extensive work on ecological disturbance in the Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forest, as well as research on the restoration of coastal dune communities.  Prior to coming to San José State in 2004, Will spent two years with the USDA Forest Service, four years with the USGS Biological Resources Division, and one year with the California State Parks.

In addition, Will has taught in the public schools at both the primary and secondary level and has an abiding interest in developing methods for improving the ways that environmental issues are taught to our children.  He is currently involved in developing research projects aimed at measuring the effectiveness of environmental education programs in the public and private sectors.

Courses Taught

  • ENVS 001: Introduction to Environmental Issues
  • ENVS 110: Resource Analysis
  • ENVS 150: Introduction to Environmental Thought and   Philosophy
  • ENVS 158: Environmental Education
  • ENVS 173: Sustainable Forest Management
  • ENVS 187: Environmental Restoration
  • ENVS 285: Graduate Internship
  • ENVS 295: Graduate Teaching Assistant
  • ENVS 297: Research and Proposal Development
  • ENVS 299: Master's Thesis or Project


Russell, W.  2020.  Herbaceous understory indicators of post-harvest recovery in coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) forests.  Open Journal of Forestry10:*-*

Russell, W., Z. Lambert, and S. Woolhouse.  2019. Old-growth characteristics in a coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens(D. Don) Endl.) “pygmy” forest ecotone.  Madrono66(1):8-17

Hanover, A., and W. Russell.  2018.  Understory Recovery in Coast Redwood Communities: A Case Study Comparing a Naturally Recovering and an Actively Managed Forest. Open Journal of Forestry8(4):489-499

Michels , K. K. H., and W. Russell.  2016.  Variation in Old-growth Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) Reference Sites in Mendocino County, California.  Madrono63:258–267 

Jones, G. and W. Russell.  2015.  Historic variation in fire frequency in the southern range of the coast redwood forest.  Fire Ecology11(3):80-94

Russell, W., J. Sinclair, and K. H. Michels.  2014.  Restoration of Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) Forests Through Natural Recovery.  Open Journal of Forestry 4:106-111

Lazzeri-Aerts, R. and W. Russell.  2014.  Survival and Recovery Following Wildfire in the Southern Range of the Coast Redwood Forest.  Fire Ecology 10:43-55

Russell, W.  2014. Topsoil Inversion as a Tool for Restoration of Coastal Dune Scrub Habitat in San Francisco, California.  Environment, Ecology, and Management 6:1-12.

Russell, W. and S. Woolhouse.  2012.  Pygmy's Old-growth Redwood Characteristics on an Edaphic Ecotone In Mendocino County, California. Pp. 304-311 In: Standiford, Richard B.; Weller, Theodore J.; Piirto, Douglas D.; Stuart, John D, technical coordinators.  Proceedings of coast redwood forests in a changing California: A symposium for scientists and managers. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-238. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

Michels, K. and W. Russell.  2012.  A Chronosequence of Vegetation Change Following Timber Harvest In Naturally Recovering Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) Forests.  Pp. 273-282 In: Standiford, Richard B.; Weller, Theodore J.; Piirto, Douglas D.; Stuart, John D, technical coordinators.  Proceedings of coast redwood forests in a changing California: A symposium for scientists and managers. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-238. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Russell, W., J. R. McBride, and R. Rowntree.  2011.  Effects of Exurban Development on Forest Structure and Diversity:  A Case Study in the Sierra Nevada Upper Montane Forest.  Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability 7(4)1-15.

Russell, W. and K. H. Michels.  2010.  Stand development on a 127-year chronosequence of naturally regenerating Sequoia sempervirens (Taxodiaceae) forests.  Madrono 57:229-241.

Russell, W.  2010.  The Influence of Industrial Forest Management Interests on Forest Restoration and Carbon Sequestration Policy and Practice.  Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability 6:89-99 

Russell, W., J. Shulzitski, and A. Setty.  2009.  Evaluating wildlife response to coastal dune habitat restoration in San Francisco, California.  Ecological Restoration 27:439-448

Russell, W. and S. Terada.  2009.  The effects of revetment on streamside vegetation onSequoia sempervirens (Taxodiaceae) forests.  Madrono 56:73-82

Russell, W.  2009. The influence of timber harvest on the structure and composition of riparian 
forests in the Coastal Redwood region.  Forest Ecology and Management 257:1427–1433

Russell, W.  2006.  San Francisco Recreation and Park Department Significant Natural Resource Areas, Management Plan: Section 7 Monitoring Plan, Appendix I-1 Special Status Plant Species Monitoring Protocol, Appendix I-2 Special Status Wildlife Monitoring Protocol, and Appendix I-3 Protocol for Monitoring Plant Communities.

Russell, W., and R. Tompkins. 2005.  Estimating biomass in coastal Baccharis pilularisdominated plant communities.  Fire Ecology 1:20-27.

Russell, W. H. and J. R. McBride.  2003.  Landscape scale vegetation-type conversion and fire hazard in the San Francisco Bay area open spaces.  Landscape & Urban Planning64:201-208.

Russell, W. H., J. R. McBride, and K. Carnell.  2003.  Influence of environmental factors on the regeneration of hardwood species on three streams in the Sierra Nevada. Madrono 50:21-27.

Russell, W. H., and J. R. McBride. 2002.  Vegetation change and fire hazard in the San Francisco bay area open spaces.  Pages 27-38 in:  Blonski, K.S., M.E., and T.J. Morales.  Proceedings of the California’s 2001 Wildfire Conference:  Ten Years After the East Bay Hills Fire; October 10-12, Oakland California.  Technical Report 35.01.462.  Richmond CA:  University of California Forest Products Laboratory.

Russell, William H.  2002.  Indirect effects of timber management on riparian vegetation dynamics in coast redwood and mixed conifer forests.  Page 40 in: Vaughn, H. Technical Coordinator.  Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Salmonid Restoration Federation Conference.  February 28 – March 3, 2002.  Ukiah, California.

Russell, W. H., J. R. McBride, and K. Carnell.  2001.  Feeding damage by black bears (Ursus americanus) across timber harvest edges in northern California coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) forests (USA).  Natural Areas Journal  2:324-329.

Russell, W. H., and J. R. McBride.  2001.  The relative importance of fire and watercourse proximity in determining stand composition in mixed conifer riparian forests.  Forest Ecology and Management 150: 259-265.

Russell, W. H. and C. Jones.  2001.  The effects of timber harvesting on the structure and composition of adjacent old-growth coast redwood forest.  Landscape Ecology 16:731-741.

Russell, W. H., J. R. McBride, and K. Carnell.  2000.  Edge effects and the effective size of old-growth coast redwood preserves.  In: Cole, David N.; McCool, Stephen F. 2000. Proceedings: Wilderness Science in a Time of Change. Proc. RMRS-P-000. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.

Russell, W. H.  2000.  Ecology and management of coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) forests.  In:  Winslow, C., and W. H. Russell (eds.).  The Proceeding of the Conference on Restoration and Management of Coastal Redwood Forests:  Jackson State Demonstration Forest.  College of the Redwoods, Mendocino, CA.

Russell, W. H., J. R. McBride, and R. Rowntree.  1998.  Revegetation after four stand-replacing fires in the Lake Tahoe basin. Madrono 45(1):40-46.

McBride, J. R., W. Russell, and S. Kloss.  1996.  Impacts of human settlement on forest composition and structure.  In: Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final Report to Congress, vol.II, Assessments and Scientific Basis for Management Options.  Davis:  University of California, Centers for Water and Wildland Resources.

Russell, W., and K. V. Thimann.  1988.  The second messenger in apical dominance controlled by auxin. In: Plant Growth Substances (eds. R.P.Pharis and S.P.Rood). pg 419-427.